6. February 2025

When was the last time you pressed a button and thought, “That feels just right”? In industrial keypads, whether for electronic devices, machinery, or safety-critical equipment, tactile feedback plays a key role in how users interact with your product. But what exactly makes a button feel right? And how do you specify "a feeling"? Or how do you design that perfect click? 

Download design guide to tactile feedback

Tactile feedback isn’t just about how a button feels—it’s essential for safe operation, precision, and user satisfaction in industrial control panels and devices. This guide gives you a practical overview of and design guidelines for: 

  • types of clicks in an industrial keypad
  • main types of tactile keypad constructions
  • factors essential for good tactile feedback
  • practical decision making guide for different end use cases

Water-resistant silicone rubber keypad - reliable controlling in rugged environments
Water-resistant silicone rubber keypad - reliable controlling in rugged environments

What makes a click in a keypad?


The first decision about button design is made with the type of "click component". The actual physical part that make the click possible. We group them into four main categories: 


Metal domes - ideal for thin constructions in silicone and membrane switch keypads
Tactile switches - used in keypads with PCBs as electric circuits
Carbon pills - made with an actuation pin in silicone keypads

Polydomes - embossed structures in membrane switch keypads for compact design 


Which one is right for your project? The answer depends on your use case, required durability, and user experience goals—which we break down further in the guide.

Four factors of tactile feedback

Step by step guide to decision making


Here’s an example of how the design guide helps you define the best keypad solution based on your specific requirements. 


Scenario: Keypad for Construction Tools 

Requirements to keypad: Used on a construction site, operated with gloves, must have a good click, front mounted keypad, housing recess 2 mm

Tactile feedback specifications: Multilevel button design, raised keys, high levels of audio feedback, activation force, and snap ratio; thin construction

Solution: a silicone rubber keypad with metal domes to achieve a thin construction, a satisfying click feel, and distinct key shapes with clear audio and tactile feedback.


Want to see how other scenarios play out? Get the full overview and more specific cases in the PDF guide.