We are driven by curiosity - exploring new visions, new ways, and new wins. For us and for you - our customer. But we do so on a rock-solid foundation of long-term partnerships and deeply rooted values. 


As a family-owned business, we are in it for the long run. For generations. Literally speaking. And with future generations in mind, we constantly look for smarter, leaner and green ways to make our mark, while boosting both our mutual business and the green transition. 

"Treading in the footsteps of others will never lead to new horizons.”

Founder of Mekoprint A/S

Erland Kold

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Tailor-made components 


We co-develop and produce electronic, mechanical, and electromechanical solutions tailored for some of the most demanding industries. Leveraging over 40 advanced technologies in metal processing, printing, user interfaces, cable harnessing, and box-build assembly, we ensure excellence. Our operations are underpinned by a digital production floor and a commitment to sustainability as an integral part of our business. 

Global power 


  • HQ in Denmark
  • 10 production sites across Europe
  • 40,000+ mof production floor
  • Global sourcing and partner network
  • 700+ employees
  • Turnover of 100 mEUR



We pride ourselves on being proactive sparring partners. Organised into specialised teams, we stay agile to ensure you always have our full attention. More than anything, we are listeners. By deeply understanding your needs, we identify new opportunities, generate fresh ideas, and lead new ways to support your goals.

Curiosity has been in our DNA since 1954

We've built our entire business on breaking new ground and finding new ways. This is our history of leading new ways towards better business and a brighter future for your and our business. 

  • Our founder Erland Kold started his career in a consumer cooperative. And this customer-centric approach has shaped our DNA – to go out and find the solutions that the customer needs. 

  • We implemented cutting-edge technologies in printing and metal processing to support high-growth markets within automotive industry, home appliances, and computers.

  • We were the first company in Denmark to receive triple ISO certification, covering quality, environmental, and social standards, to ensure the highest levels of excellence and documented processes.

  • As technology leaders, we were quick to embrace the emerging digital technologies, too. Making our production even more effective and flexible, we were the first company in Denmark to achieve fully digitalisation of our production.

  • We continue to lead new ways to enhance your business success and simplify your decision-making process. Sustainability is at the heart of our operations, reflecting our dual commitment as a responsible manufacturer and as a dedicated partner with transparency and thorough documentation to facilitate your decisions.


Looking for new ways?


Think forward - Act now

Our culture is defined by a strong set of values and long-term family ownership

  • Curiosity is our "spearhead value" that drives interest and ideas for our customers. Curiosity leads us new ways to work smarter and more sustainably. 

  • We are ambitious in translating knowledge into new and improved processes, solutions, and industry standards for what matters. 

  • We are decisive with high delegation of responsibility for decisions and execution to both teams and individual colleagues.


    We understand that speed is a critical competitive factor, and much needs to be clarified and learned along the way rather than knowing all the details in advance.

  • We are known for keeping our promises both internally and externally with a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities to succeed as a team. We take responsibility for our own work, a safe and motivating work environment, and our collective impact on society.

Unique mix of components and competences

Our portfolio is built on decades of market experience, offering nine different electronic and mechanical component categories and more than 40 production technologies. Our 10 production sites and more than 20 global production partners are dedicated to tailor solutions that ensure your product's success in the market.
  • Printed Electronics

    Custom-engineered printed sensors and circuits manufactured in scalable and automated roll-to-roll production.


    See printed electronics

  • EMC and EMI shielding

    Advanced engineered EMC/EMI shielding solutions for critical electronic protection.


    See EMC/EMI shielding

  • Cable and Wire Harness

    Customised cable and harness components for cost-effective, scalable production, and easy integration.


    See cable and wire harness

  • Industrial Graphics

    Graphic solutions enhancing product identity and late customization.


    See industrial graphics

  • HMI

    Expert HMI design and manufacture for superior user experiences.


    See HMI solutions

  • Micro Components

    Precision micro components in metal and plastic for various industries.


    See micro components

  • Enclosures

    Milled and sheet metal enclosures, crafted through stamping and laser cutting, according to highest quality standards. 


    See enclosures

  • Metal Parts

    Customized metal solutions: sheet metal, deep drawing, milled parts.


    See metal parts

  • Box Build Assembly

    Integrated box build assembly for complete electromechanical solutions.


    See box build assembly