Protect your electronics from electromagnetic interference (EMI)


Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is all around us, affecting the performance of sensitive electronics. Without proper EMI shielding, unwanted signals can compromise functionality, reliability, and safety. At Mekoprint, we specialize in providing high-quality EMI shielding solutions to protect electrical and electronic equipment across various industries.

Why EMI shielding is essential




Electronic devices generate and are susceptible to electromagnetic waves and external electromagnetic signals. Without effective shielding, components within electronic enclosures can experience disruptions, leading to performance issues or failures. Our EMI shielding solutions ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and safeguard your systems against EMI threats.

Customized EMI shielding solutions

Choosing the right EMI shielding solution

Selecting the best EMI shielding materials for your solution depends on several factors, including material thickness, shielding effectiveness, and the specific application. Our specialists guide you in choosing the right material, ensuring effective shielding methods for maximum protection of your solution.

  • At Mekoprint, we can produce customized EMI solutions with intricate geometries, even with the most complex shapes. We understand the importance of the right shielding solution to achieve proper electromagnetic compatibility. That’s why the design and production of customized EMI solutions is a key focus at Mekoprint. 

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  • Closed EMI shielding is part of our expertise within customized EMI solutions. What sets this kind of EMI solution apart, is the ability to create a tight enclosure through methods like milling or fiber laser welding of the folded edges.


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  • We provide a standard portfolio of EMI shielding solutions, including a frame/lid option with manually removable lids and a box solution where the shielding is soldered directly onto the printed circuit board.


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  • Polyester or polycarbonate films for electric and thermal insulation of your electronic devices. Convenient and reliable insulation to achieve UL approval.

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Benefits of our EMI shielding products

Industries we serve

Discover how we develop and produce effective EMI shielding solutions

Henrik Groes
Area Sales Manager, Micromechanics

Get in touch with us

Why choose Mekoprint?

Easy handling delivery

Team up with experts who know your business

Customized EMI box solution with rip-off lid for easy troubleshooting. 

Customized frame/lid EMI solution with spot-welded innner walls and matching lid that meets the customers need for easy mounting with snap-system. 

Customized frame solution with pick and place spot delivered in tape real for SMT assembly. 

Standard frame/lid solution with embossing. 

Closed EMI box solution attached with EMI clips for easy mounting.

Customized EMI frame securing that the frame conforms to the required footprint shape.

Order a free EMI/RFI sample

Mekoprint offers a box of EMI/RFI shielding samples that illustrate the principles described in our electronic shielding solutions.