From concept to finished component

Make the right HMI decisions early in your project with our design & engineering services.

The earlier you involve us in your development process, the better keypad solution you can achieve. We ask the right questions and point out important factors to consider. So please make use of our discovery stage as early as possible - it is an hour of your and our time well.-spent. 

Learn more about our HMI journey by clicking through the different stages or download the complete brochure here

  • An essential part of every HMI development project is the discovery phase. We ask questions, you present your requirements, we scope the project together. 

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  • In ideation phase, the task is to find the right design direction. Ideation workshop and concept catalogue with several design concepts are typical activities in this phase. 

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  • In design phase, we zoom in on the selected design direction and begin detailing the solution with renderings, material specifications and unit pricing. 

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  • Design verification gives a physical proof of concept. 3D printed samples, colour tests, print tests or fidelity prototypes are usually the types of verifications made at this stage. 

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  • The designed solutions is matured and put to the test in the engineering phase. Typical activities at this stage are mechanical drawings, stack-ups, test specifications, prototypes out of soft tool, etc. 

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  • At this stage in the development, we work on verifying the production setup and series tool. We also get the first out of tool parts, prepare the logistic setup, and prepare for series production. 

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  • The list of services is long in the life cycle engineering phase. They are all designed to ensure a continuous success of your product throughout its lifetime. 

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Download HMI lookbook

  • HMI solutions from concept to production
  • Cross-industry HMI expertise
  • Keypad technologies and materials
  • Case studies 

Drive progress and save time with our HMI development services

"At Mekoprint, we approach every project with curiosity and responsibility. Curiosity to understand your situation, and responsibility to help you succeed."

Team Lead, Design & Development, Mekoprint

Thomas R. Lænner

HMI design made simple

Essential keypad building blocks explained in a 60-minute on-demand webinar.

Domenic B. Nielsen
Business Development Manager, HMI & Industrial Graphics

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